Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Yesterday was a historic day for my country. We elected our first Black president to lead this country, and I for one couldn’t be happier. Growing up every election, I’ve sat through one election where the outcome was in our family’s favor, and I sat through one that was stolen, as well as one that might’ve been stolen. So voting for the first time thrilled me. Voting and winning thrilled me even more.

I’d like to think that my parents have done an excellent job of making sure my brother and I could think for ourselves. We’re very strong liberals and voting Republican under any circumstance isn’t justifiable to us. Even though the two candidates I supported earlier in the presidential race since last year didn’t get the nomination, I’m still happy with the outcome.

There’s talk that either candidate wouldn’t live to see the four years of the term, its grim thinking if you ask me, and something I choose not to think about. It almost came down to who would be the better VP to some people. I’ve been watching politics since I was seven years old, and never had I seen someone as ridiculous and unqualified for a position in the White House quite like Sarah Palin. Her conservative thinking and ideals are something that any idiot from my high school would go nuts for. Playing herself off like a “maverick” when she’s essentially GW2 is laughable. If she is the future of the Republican Party, I’d be scared if I bleed red, because she ruined the campaign for McCain and still thinks that she’s called by God to lead the American people. To me, anyone who uses and hides behind their religion for any kind of gain, is scary and should be nowhere near a leadership position.

I came from a school where I was the odd man out; I had different beliefs and a different upbringing, because my parents let me think for myself. They put trust in me that I could make the better decision and if I didn’t, they’d correct me and teach me. These Christian Conservatives make me sick though. Thinking that God calls them and using religion as a crutch. It’s people like them who make all these young people hate religion for no good reason. Christianity has become bastardized because of a few bad apples and a hell of a lot of misguided souls. I consider myself a Christian. I may not be a good one, but I believe that there is a higher power and that he should be the only one to judge us, not a bunch of close minded folks who can’t interpret the Bible correctly. Jesus is tolerant of EVERYONE, he doesn’t discriminate, and he loves us all, even those nonbelievers and those who worship elsewhere. Jesus hung out with people who were the bottom of the barrel, the guy even hung out with prostitutes. What makes you people think that he’d hate gays and everyone else who doesn’t follow Christianity? If any of you are Christian Conservative and attend one of those mega churches, stop and think for a second. Do you have the right to judge and discriminate against people who don’t share your views, or should that be left to the almighty Lord and Savior?

On Myspace last night, one person I went to high school with posted a bulletin calling Obama supporters “stupid” for voting for a guy who’s “Muslim”. First off, he’s not Muslim, and secondly, what if he is? Aren’t we as the free world supposed to have Religious Freedom? I can honestly say that I hope I never talk to him again and I hope one day, his narrow mind will see the light and he’ll actually pick up a book or newspaper or watch the news instead of Family Guy.

I’m happy for the outcome of the election, and I think great things will be in store for a while. It’s not going to be an overnight process, but slowly we will take back this country and make it the greatest nation in the world again. Due to the past eight years, we’ve become a laughing stock and the butt of the joke for other countries, but that will change. I guarantee it.

I’d like to congratulate Obama and Biden for their victory, and I wish them nothing but the best of luck. This is truly a new day for America, not because we have a black president, but because there are higher turnouts for voting and now more than ever, we as a whole, care about this nation.

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